Jeroen has photographed in many places, usually a place of crisis.
His main goal was to capture the human aspect of a specific situation.
Find a selection of his best work and read more below.
![]() A DAY IN THE FIELDIRAK, AS SAMAWHA, 22 NOVEMBER 2003 Nederlandse compound in As Samawha (provincie Al Muthanna); mariniers keren terug na een dag in het veld. Soldiers of the 1100-strong Dutch Marine detachment in Iraq return from a day in the field, in the southern province of Al Muthanna. | ![]() PELGRIMSIRAK, KERBELA, 20 APRIL 2003 Shi'itische moslims zijn te voet onderweg naar Kerbela, om daar voor de eerste keer sinds de val van Saddam Hoessein Ashura mee te maken. Onder Hoessein was het hun verboden dit feest, waarin imam Hoessein hertdacht wordt, openlijk te vieren. Vanuit alle delen van het land ondernamen mensen de vaak dagen durende pelgrimstocht. Meer dan een miljoen mensen vierden in 2003 voor de eerste keer vrijelijk ashura in Kerbela. | ![]() MUD ON SADAMIRAK, BAGDAD, 16 APRIL 2003 Een met modder besmeurd portret van Saddam Hoessein in Bagdad. |
![]() FIRE ON SADAMRAQ, BAGHDAD APRIL 2003- Bagdadi's hebben een standbeeld van Saddam dat ze niet omver konden trekken in brand gezet. Bagdadi's have set fire to a statue of Saddam that they couldn't manage to tear down. | ![]() MARINESIRAK, AR RUMAITHA, 22 NOVEMBER 2003 Nederlandse mariniers verlaten hun basis in het dorpje Ar Rumaitha om op patrouille te gaan in de iraakse provincie Al Muthanna. De basis heette toen nog 'Sun City', een overblijfsel van de voorgangers van de nederlanders. | ![]() WRECKSIRAK, BAGDAD, 15 APRIL 2003 Vernietigd Iraaks luchtdoelgeschut in de straten van Bagdad getuigt van de hevige strijd die voorafging aan de val van de Iraakse hoofdstad. |
![]() SCHOOLGIRLSIRAK, BAGHDAD, 16 NOVEMBER 2003 Iraakse meisjes krijgen les op een lager school in Baghdad. | ![]() ASHURASYRIE, SAIDA ZEINAB, 14 MAART 2003 Saida Zeinab, nabij Damascus; moslims roken een sigaret alvorens hun wonden te laten behandelen die ze zichzelf hebben toegebracht tijdens de viering van Ashura. Ieder jaar herdenken shi'itische moslims 10 dagen lang de dood van hun martelaar Hoessein, die gedood werd in de strijd tegen een Soennitische overmacht (680 v. Chr.). Deze gebeurtenis veroorzaakte een scheuring tussen Shi'ieten en Soennieten die voortduurt tot de dag van vandaag. Op de ochtend van de | ![]() UNHCRJORDANIE; RUWAISHED; 21 MAART 2003 Jordanie; een UNHCR-kamp wacht vlak voor de aanval van de VS op de eerste vluchtelingen uit Irak. Een grote stroom vluchtelingen werd verwacht. Slechts enkele tientallen Iraki's zouden uiteindelijk hun toevlucht zoeken in het kamp bij de al Karama-grensovergang. De VN-vluchtelingenorganisatie brak het kamp enkele weken na de inval in Irak grotendeels af. |
![]() CHINOOKIRAK, AR RUMAITHA, 24 NOVEMBER 2003 Een Chinook transporthelicopter stijgt op naast het kamp van de nederlandse mariniers in ar Rumaitha, in de iraakse provincie Al Muthanna. | ![]() CHATTINGIRAN, TEHERAN, 30 NOVEMBER 2005 Twee vrouwen kletsen onder een plattegrond van de souq en het oude gedeelte van Teheran. Two iranian women chat under a map of the souq and the old city of Tehran. | ![]() ASSADSYRIE, DAMASCUS, 4 MAART 2003 Portretten van de overleden syrische president Hafez al-Assad en zijn zoon Bashar al-Assad, de huidige president, op de gevel van een bank in Damascus. |
![]() CHORAOruzgan; armoured vehicles of the 11th Air Assault Battalion make their way through the Baluchi valley. | ![]() WAITING FOR VOTINGAFGHANISTAN, JABAL-O SARAJ, 9 OKTOBER 2004 Gesluierde vrouwen wachten op hun beurt om hun stem uit te brengen in een stemlokaal, in het dorpje Jabal-o Saraj. Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis werden er in 2004 in Afghanistan vrije verkiezingen voor het presidentschap gehouden die gewonnen werden door Hamid Karzai. Mannen en vrouwen mochten stemmen, ofschoon in gescheiden stemlokalen. | ![]() COVEREDAFGHANISTAN, KABUL, 6 OKTOBER 2004 Een vrouw met burka in de straten van Kabul. |
![]() VOTINGAFGHANISTAN: JABAL-AL-SARAJ; 9 OKT 2004- Een afghaanse man brengt zijn stem uit in het dorpje Jabal-al-Saraj, in de provincie Parwan. Voor de eerste keer in de geschiedenis werden er dit jaar in Afghanistan vrije verkiezingen voor het presidentschap georganiseerd. | ![]() MOSQUEAFGHANISTAN, HERAT, 24 APRIL 2006 Een moskee in Herat. | ![]() ON GUARDAFGHANISTAN, BAMYAN, 24 OKTOBER 2004 Een soldaat van het afghaanse regeringsleger bewaakt de lege alkoven waar voorheen de gigantische Boedhabeelden in stonden die in 2001 door de Taliban werden vernietigd. |
![]() DONKEY ROADAFGHANISTAN; BAND-E AMIR; 25 OKTOBER 2004 Een ezelskaravaan trekt door de woeste hooglanden van centraal-Afghanistan. | ![]() TWILIGHTSOEDAN, DARFOER, 19 APRIL 2004 Rebellen van de JEM (Justice and Equality Movement) zijn na een lange dag rijden van hun voertuig afgestegen en maken zich op om een kamp op te zetten midden in de woestijn. | ![]() HUTTSJAAD, BAHAY, 19 APRIL 2004 Early morning; tweo children sit in front of their makeshift tent. The wadis near Bahay are scattered with improvised sheds like these. The exact number of the refugees living there is not clear but there must be many tens of thousands. Without any food and hardly any water a catastrophe could well develop in the North East of Chad. |
![]() RADIOSOEDAN, DARFOER, 20 APRIL 2004 Rebellen van de JEM (Justice and Equality Movement) luisteren 's ochtends vroeg midden in de woestijn naar de BBC-wereldomroep in afwachting van berichten over de onderhandelingen over Darfur, die op dat moment plaatsvinden in de tjaadse hoofdstad N'djamena tussen vertegenwoordigers van de rebellen en Khartoum. | ![]() Bahay, Biltine, Chad. 2004 | ![]() MOTHER & CHILDTSJAAD, ADRE, 14 APRIL 2004- Halime Yaya (35) en haar zoon, slachtoffers van de etnische strijd in Darfoer, worden verzorgd in een MSF-hospitaal. Een kogel verbrijzelde haar arm toen Janjaweed milities haar dorp Sildi aanvielen. Halime wist ternauwernood te ontsnappen met haar zoontje. Tijdens de aanval vonden 12 inwoners de dood, 9 werden gewond. |
![]() CAMEL DRIVERTSJAAD, ADRE, 16 APRIL 2004 Een kamelenrijder passert een waterput in Adre, nabij de grens van Tsjaad met Soedan. | ![]() TENTTSJAAD, BAHAY, 19 APRIL 2004 Early morning; a woman is about to leave her makeshift tent to get water from holes in the nearby wadi. The wadis near Bahay are scattered with improvised sheds like these. The exact number of the refugees living there is not clear but there must be many tens of thousands. Without any food and hardly any water a catastrophe could well develop in the North East of Chad. | ![]() JEM REBELSSOEDAN, DARFUR, 19 APRIL 2004 Rebellen van de JEM (Justice and Equality Movement), een van de drie rebellenbewegingen in Darfur, poseren voor de camera. |
![]() MARKETTSJAAD, ADRE, 15 APRIL 2004 Markt onder een reusachtige boom aan het meer van Adre, een plaatsje nabij de Soedanese grens in het oosten van Tsjaad. | ![]() DESOLATIONKabul, Afghanistan. 2004 | ![]() BOSNIAN MOSQUEBOSNIE, SARAJEVO, 9 APRIL 2005 A mosque in Sarajevo. In the background badly damaged appartement blocks. This area was close to the frontlines in the city, near the airport. |
![]() AFGHAN SOLDIERAFGHANISTAN, KABUL; 18 OCTOBER 2005 A soldier of the 201st Corps of the ANA (Afghan National Army) stands guard at a training site of the Pol-e-Charki military complex. The 201st is the first ANA corps that was established, some three years ago. The afghan army at present consists of approximately 26.000 soldiers, with another 3.500 in training. The ultimate size of the ANA, according to the Bonn Agreement, will be 70.000, a number that is thought to be reached in 2007. | ![]() AFGHAN ARMYAFGHANISTAN, KABUL; 16 OCTOBER 2005 Soldiers practice climbing on the training grounds of the KMTC (Kabul Military Training Center). The structure they're on was used as a gallow under the Taliban regime. The afghan army at present consists of approximately 26.000 soldiers, with another 3.500 in training. The ultimate size of the ANA, according to the Bonn Agreement, will be 70.000, a number that is thought to be reached in 2007. | ![]() SONAFGHANISTAN, KABUL, 3 OKTOBER 2004 Een vrouw met burka draagt een kind in de straten van Kabul. |
![]() AFGHAN GRAVEAFGHANISTAN; POL-E-KHOMRI; 8 OKTOBER 2004 Een met vlaggen versierd afghaans graf in het bergachtige gebied van de noord-afghaanse provincie Baghlan. | ![]() AFGHAN ARMYAFGHANISTAN, KABUL; 16 OCTOBER 2005 Soldiers of the ANA (Afghan National Army) listen to a briefing before they start their training manouvres, in a stretch of desert near Kabul. The afghan army at present consists of approximately 26.000 soldiers, with another 3.500 in training. The ultimate size of the ANA, according to the Bonn Agreement, will be 70.000, a number that is thought to be reached in 2007. | ![]() IRANESE TRANSSEXUALIRAN, TEHRAN, 28 NOVEMBER 2005 'Mahtab', een iraanse transsexueel die zich als vrouw gevangen voelt in een mannenlichaam. Ze staat op het punt een sexeveranderingsoperatie te ondergaan. Mahtab heeft al een vriend met wie ze wil trouwen zodra de operatie achter de rug is. |
![]() MOURNINGLIBANON, TYRUS, 21 JULI 2006 With the numbers of the respective corpses written on a wall behind them, two women weep bitter tears over the coffins of their relatives. 23 of them died when the bus they were in was shelled by an israeli gunboat at Marwaheen, south Lebanon. Their bodies were burried together with 59 others in a mass burial in the city of Tyre. 82 victims of the recent violence were kept in two cooling trucks at the Sur Government Hospital for more then a week but couldn't be bu | ![]() TYRELEBANON, TYRE, 31 JULY 2006 A rescue worker walks past an ambulance that was one of two being attacked near Qana on 23 july by the Israeli airforce. Six red cross workers and three patients were injured, one of the patients lost a leg in the attack. | ![]() HOLELEBANON, BENT JBAIL, 31 JULY 2006 Nurse Jalal Alali looks at a hole in the ceiling of the Shaheed Salah Ghandour Hospital in Bent Jbail. Two bombs have hit the hospital recently. Although the hospital has no power it still treats patients. The village has always been the Hezbollah stronghold in south Lebanon and was heavily fought over during the last weeks. The israelis have now retreated from Bent Jbail, but the centre of the village has become a ghost town. |
![]() BOOKSLIBANON, TYRUS (SOUR), 26 JULI 2006 A boy tries to save what books are left from the debris of a 6 storey appartment building that got hit by an Israeli Air strike. | ![]() MAN IN DESPAIRLIBANON, TYRUS (SOUR), 26 JULI 2006 A man looks in despair to the rubble of a 6 storey appartment, just after it has been bombed, realising his small fire extinguisher is not going to be of any use. The building, which was attacked by the israeli airforce, was in the middle of a densely populated area in the city of Tyre. 5 people were reported dead. | ![]() BATHINGLIBANON, TYRUS, 3 AUGUSTUS 2006 Een islamitische vrouw zit gekleed in het water terwijl haar man aan het zwemmen is. |
![]() LOST SONAGHANISTAN, HERAT, 23 APRIL 2006 Said Ahmed toont een foto van zijn verdwenen zoon Abdel Karim, die zich naar alle waarschijnlijkheid bij de Taliban heeft aangesloten. Abdel Karim werd krankzinnig toen de politie hier kwam om zijn papaverveld te vernietigen, vertelt Said Ahmed, hij greep naar zijn hoofd en rende weg. Mijn zoon had 50.000 afghani (900 euro) geleend voor kunstmest en voor zijn huwelijk. Dat geld kan hij nu niet terugbetalen, daarom is hij gevlucht. Hij wilde zelf een gezin stic | ![]() POLICE OFFICERAFGHANISTAN, GHAZA, 24 APRIL 2006 Ghaza, a small village near Herat; a police officer amidst a blossoming poppy field prepares for eradication of the crops. The afghan poppy fields are blossoming right now and all over the country farmers start gathering the opium from their crops. Meanwhile, the Afghan governement has started an eradication campaign that aims to deter farmers of growing poppies again. However, since growing poppies often mean the only means for an income to many farmers, and a | ![]() POPPY CHILDRENAFGHANISTAN, HERAT, 23 APRIL 2006 Een neefje en nichtje van Abdel karim, de jongen in Barnabad die voor zijn schuldeisers vluchtte toen zijn papaverveldje werd vernietigd, en waarschijnlijk bij Al Quaeda terecht is gekomen. |
![]() POPPY FIELDAFGHANISTAN, BARNABAD, 23 APRIL 2006 The afghan poppy fields are blossoming right now and all over the country farmers start gathering the opium from their crops. Meanwhile, the Afghan governement has started an eradication campaign that aims to deter farmers of growing poppies again. However, since growing poppies often mean the only means for an income to many farmers, and alternatives are scarce, farmers still take their chances on a massive scale. Despite the efforts of the government the a | ![]() RIKSJA NEGOTIATIONAFGHANISTAN, HERAT, 21 APRIL 2006 Een in een burqa gekleedde vrouw onderhandelt met een riksja-chauffeur over de prijs van een ritje | ![]() BOULEVARDCUBA, HAVANA, 31 JANUARI 2007 Muzikanten spelen op hun instrumenten op de Malecon, de boulevard van Havana. Cuban musicians play their instruments at Habana's Malecon. |
![]() SOUVENIR CARSCUBA, TRINIDAD, 7 JANUARI 2008 Souvenir cars on a tourist market in Trinidad. | ![]() CHEVYCUBA, TRINIDAD, 7 JANUARI 2008 Trinidad: a classic american Chevrolet. | ![]() CASTRO BROTHERSCUBA, HAVANA, 9 JANUARI 2008 A larger then life image of Fidel Castro and his brother and now head of State Raul Castro, on a sign in the city of Holguin, east Cuba. Een grote afbeelding van Fidel Castro en zijn broer Raul, die Fidel heeft opgevolgd als staatshoofd. |
![]() DECOY FIDELCUBA, CAMAGUEY PROVINCE, 8 JANUARI 2008 A giant Fidel Castro figure gazes in the distance from a hilltop. | ![]() TRINIDAD STREETCUBA, TRINIDAD, 7 JANUARI 2008 Trinidad street scene. | ![]() FLATCUBA, HAVANA, 4 JANUARI 2008 A worn down housing block in Vedado, Havana. Een verwaarloosd ogende flat in Vedado, Havana |
![]() SCHOOL GIRLSCUBA, HAVANA, 31 JANUARI 2007 Schoolgirls walk through Habana. Every age group and every kind of school or university has its own colours of the school uniform. | ![]() HAVANA DRIVINGCUBA, HAVANA, 5 FEBRUARY 2007 Storm over Havana; a classic car makes its way while high waves ride against the walls of the Malecon. | ![]() BASEBALLCUBA, HAVANA, 12 FEBRUARI 2007 Kinderen spelen honkbal op een van de vele honkbalveldjes in Havana. Honkbal is verreweg de populairste sport op Cuba. Kids play baseball on one of Habana's many baseballfields. |
![]() OLD CAR TRAVELLINGCUBA, VILLA CLARA PROVINCE, 29 DECEMBER 2007 An old car travels the 'Autopista Nacional', the highway constructed by the Sovjets, spanning the greatest part of the Island from East to West. | ![]() DRYING BURKAAFGHANISTAN, KANDAHAR, 5 MEI 2006 Een boerka hangt te drogen in een tuintje in Kandahar. | ![]() FAMILYAFGHANISTAN, CHORA, 26 NOVEMBER 2008 The women of a family in the Chora district observe the outside world from the front door of their qala (mudhouse). |
![]() AFGHAN FARMERSAFGHANISTAN, TARIN KAWT, 11 JUNE 2008 Afghan farmers harvest wheat. Prices of grain and wheat in Afghanistan are steeply rising due to the world food crisis. Many afghans are already suffering the consequences which are likely to worsen in the immediate future. | ![]() PATROLAFGHANISTAN, CHORA, 8 OKTOBER 2008 Oruzgan; soldiers of the 11th Infantry Air Assault Battalion on patrol through the 'Green'. | ![]() FENNEKAFGHANISTAN, CHORA, 14 OKTOBER 2008 Dutch troops move through the Baluchi valley, an area that has always been hostile towards ISAF. |
![]() BUSHMASTERSAFGHANISTAN, CHORA, 23 NOVEMBER 2008 Een kolonne nederlandse Bushmasters zoekt zijn weg door het Chora district in Uruzgan. De Bushmaster is een troepentransportvoertuig dat door z'n wigvormige constructie de impact van een IED kan verwerken. Populair bij militairen door de bescherming die hij biedt, is de australische bushmaster met z'n bijna 1 miljoen euro aanschafprijs niet echt goedkoop. | ![]() OVERWATCHAFGHANISTAN, CHORA, 15 OKTOBER 2008 Dutch troops overlook the Baluchi valley, an area that has always been hostile environment for ISAF-forces. | ![]() HERCULESAFGHANISTAN, TARIN KOWT, 21 JUNE 2008 As a defensive measure against heatseaking rockets a dutch Hercules C-130 military aircraft gives off a load of flares before landing on the airstrip of Tarin Kawt, Uruzgan. |
![]() AFGHAN VILLAGERAFGHANISTAN, ORUZGAN, 22 NOVEMBER 2008 A military vehicle, manned by dutch ISAF-soldiers, passes a villager on the mains supply route (MSR) from Camp Holland to the Chora Valley. Photo: Jeroen Oerlemans/Panos Pictures A military vehicle, manned by Dutch soldiers from ISAF (the International Security Assistance Force), passes a villager on the main supply route (MSR) from Camp Holland to the Chora Valley. ISAF is a peacekeeping mission affiliated to the United Nations (UN) and NATO | ![]() WEIGHTLIFTERAFGHANISTAN, TARIN KAWT, 10 JUNE 2008 South-Afghanistan, Uruzgan; a guard of the ANA (Afghan National Army) keeps fit with lifting weights | ![]() CAR WRECKAFGHANISTAN, URUZGAN, 18 MAART 2008 Langs de kant van de weg die van Tarin Kowt naar Chora voert, ligt het wrak van een politieauto die enkele maanden geleden opgeblazen werd door een IED (Improvised Explosive Device). Deze verbindingsweg wordt in opdracht van de Nederlandse regering geasfalteerd door GTZ (Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit). Vooralsnog geldt de route die door het beruchte Deh Rashan-gebied voert, als zeer onveilig. |
![]() RED SMOKEAFGHANISTAN, CHORA, 25 AUGUST 2008 Twee luchtmobiele soldaten beschermen zich tegen het stof terwijl een Cougar-helicopter landt op het helicopterplatform vlakbij patrouillebasis de White Compound, in de Chora-vallei. Oruzgan, a helicopter platform near the dutch patrol base in the Chora Valley; soldiers of the 11th Infantry Air Assault Battalion wait amidst red smoke for their airlift to arrive. | ![]() REFUGEE CAMPAFGHANISTAN, KABOEL, 8 JUNI 2008 A refugee camp for Internally Displaced Perons on the outskirts of Kabul has grown into a permanent settlement. Many of the IDP's went to Iran during the civil war and have now returned to Afghanistan, either voluntarily or forced to leave by the Iranian government. | ![]() GUARD STATIONAFGHANISTAN, CHORA, 25 NOVEMBER 2008 Een soldaat van de Charlie Tijger-compagnie (11 Infbat) houdt de wacht op een van de uitkijktorens van patrouillebasis 'White Compound' in de Chora-vallei. Oruzgan; a soldier of the 11th Infantry Air Assault Battalion on guard at patrol base 'White Compound' in the Chora Valley. |
![]() CAMELAFGHANISTAN; TARIN KOWT; 30 NOVEMBER 2008 Kameel op de bazaar naast Kamp holland. | ![]() SEARCHAFGHANISTAN, CHORA, 15 OCTOBER 2008 Infanteristen van de C-Compagnie 11 luchtmobiel ondervragen de bewoners van een Qala (lemen huis) in de mond van de Baluchi vallei, vanwaaruit de dag ervoor schoten werden gelost op een van de nederlandse patrouilles. Ze onderzoeken een van de mannen op mogelijke schot- of scherfwonden die hij tijdens het gevecht opgelopen zou kunnen hebben. | ![]() WAITING FOR SHELTERPAKISTAN, ANBAR, 1 JUNE 2009 UNHCR Registration office in Swabi province; Pakistanis from Swat and Buner regions try to register for shelter in a refugee camp. The violence in the swat valley, caused by fierce fighting between Taliban and the Pakistani army has caused a massive stream of refugees to the neighbouring provinces. |
![]() IDPPAKISTAN, SWABI, 30 MEI 2009 Swabi refugee camp; refugees carry the goods they received from the Red Cross to their tents. | ![]() MALARIASIERRA LEONE, KISSYTOWN, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 A woman carries on her head the net that she has just received for free at a Red Cross distribution site. Malaria is one of the leading causes of illness and death in Sierra Leone. The disease is responsible for 47% of outpatient morbidity, 37.6% of hospital admissions and 17.6% of in-patient deaths. Children under the age of five and pregnant women are most at risk from malaria. Mortality attributed to malaria is 38.8% among children of 5 years and be | ![]() BICYCLEBURKINA FASO, OUAGADOUGOU, 23 SEPTEMBER 2009 A woman on a bicycle in Burkina Faso, West-Africa. |
![]() BOYSIERRA LEONE, FREETOWN, 29 SEPTEMBER 2009 A boy carries a mosquito net. Women and children have come from remote villages by canoos to a distribution center for free mosquito nets in Kissi Town (near Freetown). Distribution of free nets is part of a nationwide attempt by the Red Cross to battle malaria. | ![]() SISTERSBURKINA FASO, OUAGADOUGOU, 22 SEPTEMBER 2009 Two sisters who have lost their house in a flooding have found a temporary shelter with their family in a school building. Early september torrential rainfalls caused severe floodings in Burkina Faso's capital Ouagado, leaving at least 100.000 people homeless. | ![]() DANGLING SIGNHAITI, LEOGANE, 18 JANUARI 2010 A Hospital sign dangles in Leogane, a city that was at the epicentre of the massive eartquake that struck Haiti on the 12th of Januari, the biggest in 240 years. |
![]() LINE UPHAITI, PORT AU PRINCE, 24 JANUARI 2010 Inhabitants of Port au Prince's notorious neighbourhood Cite de Soleil line up to receive food aid provided by the UN. To guarantee the safety of the aid convoy, a large number of Brasilian UN-soldiers en US airborne troops accompagnied the transport, which in the end did not prevent a riot. At the moment, large scale distributions of food and non-food items are desperately needed to prevent the population starving to death. The State of Emergency was proc | ![]() BEGGINGHAITI, PORT AU PRINCE, 17 JANUARI 2010 People beg for water at Port au Prince's University Hospital. As all infrastructure has been destroyed and many of the dead are still waiting to be recovered, water, food and medecine are all scarce goods in Haiti's capital. The 12th of Januari Haiti was struck by a massive eartquake, the biggest in 240 years. | ![]() DEVASTATIONHAITI, PORT AU PRINCE, 17 JANUARI 2010 A scene of devastation in Port au Prince. The 12th of Januari Haiti was struck by a massive eartquake, the biggest in 240 years. |
![]() WOUNDED SONHAITI, PORT AU PRINCE, 15 JANUARI 2010 A father carries his wounded son to a field hospital. The 12th of Januari Haiti was struck by a massive eartquake, the biggest in 240 years. | ![]() LINE UP 2HAITI, PORT AU PRINCE, 24 JANUARI 2010 Inhabitants of Port au Prince's notorious neighbourhood Cite de Soleil line up to receive food aid provided by the UN. To guarantee the safety of the aid convoy, a large number of Brasilian UN-soldiers en US airborne troops accompagnied the transport, which in the end did not prevent a riot. At the moment, large scale distributions of food and non-food items are desperately needed to prevent the population starving to death. The State of Emergency was proc | ![]() ORPHANSHAITI, CROIX BESBOUQUETS, 24 JANUARI 2010 Orphans in the Ebenezer orphanage tie each others ties for sunday mass. The Ebenezer Foundation Orphanage in Crois Besbouquets is ran by the Global Orphan Project, a christian foundation. It has a total of 14 orphanages in the whole of Haiti. According to UNICEF, the many new haitian orphans run an increased risk to end up in the hands of child traffickers. Many of their parents died in a devastating earthquake that hit Haiti on the 12th of januari. |
![]() FOOD BARSTUNISIA, RA'S AJDIR, 3 MARCH 2011 Tunisian-Libyan border; hands are reaching for food bars at a food handout at the border. Thousands of migrants, mostly egyptian and bangladeshi workers have stranded in Tunisia, causing a huge chaos at the border. In the last couple of days an estimate of 70.000 refugees have crossed the tunisian border fleeing the hostilities in Libya. In spite of the ongoing efforts of the Tunisian government and NGO's on the ground, there's not enough shelter to house them | ![]() CHOUCHATUNESIE, RAS AJDIR, 15 MAART 2011 Het Choucha-vluchtelingenkamp nabij de Libisch-Tunesische grens. Het kamp heeft een capaciteit voor 20.000 mensen. Meer dan 140.000 vluchtelingen stroomden de afgelopen weken over de grens, op de vlucht voor het oorlogsgeweld in Libie. | ![]() REFUGEE CARRYING BAGSA refugee carries all his belongings on his head as he makes his way from the Ras Ajdir border to a refugee camp. Low cost workers from Bangladesh are increasingly getting desperate. Most of them did not receive a couple of months wages when they left Libya. Also, once at the border nobody takes care of them. In recent days an estimated 70,000 refugees have crossed the Tunisian border fleeing the hostilities in Libya. On 17 February 2011 Libya saw the beginnings of a revolution against the 41 ye |
![]() ROMAN CITY IN LIBYALIBYA, LEPTIS MAGNA, 3 SEPTEMBER 2011 The ancient roman city of Leptis Magna, between Tripoli and Misurata. Leptis Magna is the best remained roman excavation in the whole of North Africa. The city, of which only 30 % has been excavated yet, received only about 160 vistors every day under the Qaddafi regime. It will definetely become one of the main tourist attractions of the new Libya. | ![]() WASHINGTUNESIE, RAS AJDIR, 15 MAART 2011 Uit Libie gevluchte arbeidsmigranten wassen zich provisorisch in het Choucha-vluchtelingenkamp nabij de Libisch-Tunesische grens. Het kamp heeft een capaciteit voor 20.000 mensen. | ![]() REBELS TAKE A RESTLIBYA, TRIPOLI, 27 AUGUST 2011 The area of Qasar Ben Gashaier, outside of Tripoli. Rebels take a rest at one of the houses of Muhammad Matuq, secretary for Public Works under Qaddafi. A rebel force raided the place, where Quaddafi soldiers had made their barracks, but found no one at the scene anymore. |
![]() REBELS ON PATROLLIBYA, SDADA, 30 AUGUST 2011 Rebels on patrol in no-man's land in the cordon around Qaddafi's last bastion Sirte. | ![]() PIECELIBYA, TRIPOLI, 24 AUGUST 2011 A boy guards a checkpoint at the streets of Tripoli. As soon as the rebel offensive gained steam, the population of Tripoli took up arms and took to the streets to defend their neighbourhoods and take on Ghadaffi loyalists. | ![]() GRIEFLIBYA, MISURATA, 31 AUGUST 2011 Misurata cemetary; the father of Mustafa Abdul Latif Robaie (21) mourns the death of his son, a rebel who was killed during the siege of Misurata in april. |
![]() REBEL BOYLIBYA, TRIPOLI, 26 AUGUST 2011 Libyan rebel boy. | ![]() GIRLLIBYA, TRIPOLI, 26 AUGUST 2011 A girl revolutionary colours at Green Square in Tripoli. As the rebel offensive gained steam, the population of Tripoli took up arms, resluting in the fall of Quaddafi's regime. | ![]() UPSTAIRSTripoli, Libya. 2011 |
![]() SWIMMING POOLLIBYA, TRIPOLI, 27 AUGUST 2011 The area of Qasar Ben Gashaier, outside of Tripoli. A rebel kicks a ball in the empty swimming pool of one of the houses of Muhammad Matuq, secretary for Public Works under Qaddafi. A rebel convoy raided the house where Quaddafi soldiers had made their barracks, but found no one at the scene anymore. | ![]() PHOTO JOURNALISTJEMEN, SANA'A, 12 MAART 2012 Een jemenitische fotojournaliste aan het werk op het Plein der Verandering, waar de Arabische Lente in het land ingeluid werd. | ![]() TAWAKKOL KARMANYEMEN, SANA'A, 12 MARCH 2012 Tawakkol Karman, 2011 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, in her tent at Change Square. Heading the group 'Women Journalists Without Chains' Karman led protests for press freedom in her country, later becoming the face for the Arab Spring in her country. She was presented an International Women of Courage Award by Michelle Obama and Newsweek named her as one of 150 fearless women who are making their mark on the world. |
![]() KIEVUKRAINE, KIEV, 26 JULY 2014 A Kozak on Maidan square. The Kozaks, an ethnic group known for their military skills, played a prominent part in the Maidan uprising early 2014 that ousted former president Viktor Janokovich. Throughout the year the Kozaks among many other groups have maintained a presence on Maidan Square, safeguarding their newly won democracy. | ![]() HONOUR PROTESTERSUKRAINE, KIEV, 26 JULY 2014 Builders helmets and candles on Maidan Square honour the protesters who were killed during the 2014 Maidan uprising in Kiev. | ![]() DOORMATLIBYA, TRIPOLI, 24 AUGUST 2011 A picture of Qadaffi serves as a doormat in front of the central hospital in Tripoli. Within a week the renewed offensive brought the rebels to Tripoli, resulting in the fall of Qadaffi's regime. |
![]() DONETSKUKRAINE, DONETSK, 9 MARCH 2014 At a rally in front of Donetsk Oblast Administrative building, pro-russian activists are confronted with a massive police force that's there to deter further riots. Repeated rallies earlier that week resulted in storming and even occupying the building. Pro-russian protesters are calling for greater autonomy from Kiev and a referendum on secession. Donetsk, in the eastern part of the Ukraine, is the largest city of the Donets Basin (Donbas) region. It's seen a | ![]() KIEV MAIDAN SQUAREUKRAINE, KIEV, 26 JULY 2014 Maidan Square, where ongoing mass protests early 2014 eventually ousted former president Viktor Janokovich. | ![]() TATAR SETTLEMENTUKRAINE, CRIMEA, 14 MARCH 2014 A typical collection of temporary Tatar settlements in a field near Simferopol. The sheds mark the place where Tatars have claimed land that has no official ownership, to build a house on later on. Tatars have since long populated Crimea. In 1944 Stalin punished the whole tatar population for collaboration wth the German occupiers, despite the fact that many of them fought in the Red Army, and ordered their deportation to Central Asia. Only in the late 1980's the |
![]() CRIMEAA sermon in a tatar mosque near the Tatar town of Bakhchysaray. Tatars have since long populated Crimea. In 1944 Stalin punished the whole tatar population for collaboration wth the German occupiers, despite the fact that many of them fought in the Red Army, and ordered their deportation to Central Asia. Only in the late 1980's the Tatars were able to return to Crimea, where they could only settle on land that no one wanted. The Tatars have largely witheld from voting in the referendum decidin | ![]() CHURCH OF DEPOSITIONRUSLAND, MOSKOU, 30 DECEMBER 2006 Tourists enter the Church of the Deposition of the Robe, one of the historic buildings within the walls of the Kremlin. This delicate single-domed church, beside the west door of the Assumption Cathedral, was built between 1484 and 1486 in exclusively russian style. | ![]() MH17 MINERSUKRAINE, GRABOVE, 20 JULY 2014 Tired miners wait for a bus to bring them home. Hundreds of miners are assisting in the search efforts for the remains of the victims of flight MH17. |
![]() CHANGING THE COUNTRYUKRAINE, KIEV, 26 JULY 2014 A pile of tyres and a sign saying 'We're changing the country, sorry for the inconvenience', commemorate the 2014 Maidan uprising in Kiev. | ![]() MH17 MARKUKRAINE, GRABOVE, 25 JULY 2014 A piece of white cloth marks a spot where there's remains of a passenger of flight MH17, a foot in this case. However, the remains were overlooked by the teams who searched the crash site. | ![]() MH17 WINGUKRAINE, GRABOVE, 25 JULY 2014 A large part of the hull of MH17 at the crash site. The Malaysia Airlines passenger jet was most likely downed by a Surface to Air-missile. |
![]() MH17 TERRORISTUKRAINE, GRABOVE, 20 JULY 2014 Protest signs planted by separatist sympathizers along the road to the crash site of flight MH17 blame the Ukranian president Poroshenko for shooting down the civilian plane. | ![]() MURALUKRAINE, DONETSK, 10 MARCH 2014 Large murals remember of the 2012 European Championship football that was held in Ukraine. The tournament generated only temporary spinoffs for the region; the average income for residents in this part of he country is still only between 200 and 300 euro a month. Donetsk, in the eastern part of the Ukraine, is the largest city of the Donets Basin (Donbas) region. It's seen as the centre of the country's coal mining and steel industry. The language commonly used | ![]() WASHED ASHORELIBIE, ZUWARA, 7 MAY 2015 A woolen hat has washed ashore on the beach of Zuwara. Zuwara is the place from where most of the migrants from Libya try to make the crossing over the Mediterranean to Italy. The shores near Zuwara make for an ideal launching pad for fast and silent transports of migrants to bigger ships waiting further out in the sea. |
![]() LIBYA MIGRANTSLIBIE, MISRATA, 3 MAY 2015 A boat of the Libyan Coast Guard returns to the Misrata harbour, on board around 400 African migrants who were trying to make the passage to Italy , but were found on 5 rubber boats tens of miles out of the Libyan coast, the night before. | ![]() FISHING BOATS MIGRATIONLIBIE, ZUWARA, 7 MAY 2015 Fishing boats in the harbour of Zuwara. Zuwara is the place from where most of the migrants from Libya try to make the crossing over the Mediterranean to Italy. | ![]() BIBLELIBIE, MISRATA, 2 MEI 2015 A member of the Misrata Coast Guard shows a page of a Bible that was found in a half sunken rubber boat that was hailed in by the Coast Guard tens of miles in front of the Libyan coast. |
![]() SIRTELIBYA, SIRTE, 25 JUNE 2016 Fighting vehicles on their way to Sirte. Various Libyan army units, mainly made up of brigades ('Katibas') from the city of Misrata, have been fighting for some months now on behalf of the GNA-government (Government of National Accord, led by prime minister Al-Sarraj) against IS in Sirte, in an operation that goes by the name of Al-Bunyan al-Marsous. | ![]() FIGHTERLIBYA, SIRTE, 26 JUNE 2016 A fighter of the Al-Marsa Brigade has mounted a helmet on the barrel of his AK-47, to draw fire from nearby snipers of Islamic State ('Daesh'), at a frontline position near the beach of Sirte. Various Libyan army units, mainly made up of brigades ('Katibas') from the city of Misrata, have been fighting for some months now on behalf of the GNA-government (Government of National Accord, led by prime minister Al-Sarraj) against IS in Sirte, in an operation that goes by | ![]() YOUNG FIGHTERLIBYA, SIRTE, 28 JUNE 2016 A young fighter has a moment by himself in Sirte's 'District 2'. Various Libyan army units, mainly made up of brigades ('Katibas') from the city of Misrata, have been fighting for some months now on behalf of the GNA-government (Government of National Accord, led by prime minister Al-Sarraj) against IS in Sirte, in an operation that goes by the name of Al-Bunyan al-Marsous. |
![]() REBEL PREPARING DINNERLIBYA, SIRTE, 26 JUNE 2016 A fighter of the Al-Marsa Brigade prepares dinner at a fronline position. Various Libyan army units, mainly made up of brigades ('Katibas') from the city of Misrata, have been fighting for some months on behalf of the GNA-government (Government of National Accord, led by prime minister Al-Sarraj) against IS in Sirte, in an operation that goes by the name of Al-Bunyan al-Marsous. | ![]() HELICOPTERLIBYA, SIRTE, 29 JUNE 2016 An old russian helicopter takes the badly wounded from the field hospital in Sirte to the hospital in Misrata. The Libyan government seeks to bring the wounded fighters whose injuries can't be treated in Libya to better equipped hospitals in surrounding countries. The general feeling though is that there is a lack of willingness in those countries to offer help in achieving this. Various Libyan army units, mainly made up of brigades ('Katibas') from the city of Misrata | ![]() LANDCRUISER WITH GUNLIBYA, MISRATA, 30 JUNE 2016 A Toyota Landcruiser outfitted with a mounted ZPU-2, 23 mm anti-aircraft gun, a widely used weapon in consecutive Libyan wars, makes its way through the Misrata traffic. Originally a city of traders, mistrusted and surpressed by Khadafi, Misrata rapidly militarised after the 2011 revolution. Various Libyan army units, mainly made up of brigades ('Katibas') from the city of Misrata, have been fighting for some months now on behalf of the GNA-government (Government of |
![]() NUDISTSFRANKRIJK, CASSIS, 25 JUNI 2007 Nudisten zonnen op een rots aan de franse Cote d'Azur. Nude recreation at the french Cote d' Azur | ![]() AZTEC MAIDENNEDERLAND, WIJK AAN ZEE, 21 JANUARI 2012 Twee surfers lopen op het strand van Wijk aan Zee. Achter hen wordt met 2 sleepboten gepoogd het gestrande filipijnse vrachtschip Aztec Maiden weer vlot te trekken. | ![]() SAILNEDERLAND, AMSTERDAM, 17 AUGUSTUS 2005 De bemanning van het Indonesische tall ship Dewaruci staat op de ra's als het schip het IJ opvaart. |
![]() Athens, Greece. 2010 | ![]() WAITING IN A TOURINGBUSGRIEKENLAND, NEA VYSSA, 19 NOVEMBER 2010 After crossing the Turkish-Greek border, illegal immigrants were caught and detained by officers of the EU borderpolice, Frontex. Frontex is especially making efforts to catch the traffickers who accompany the migrants. According to Frontex an average of 245 people illegally crossed the Turkish-Greek border every night in October this year. 90 % of all people who illegally entered the EU in 2010, did so via Greece. | ![]() WORLD AIDS DAY 2009NEDERLAND, AMSTERDAM 1 DECEMBER 2009 Het museumplein is door de stichting Stop Aids Now tijdelijk veranderd in een begraafplaats. Met het plaatsen van 5000 kruizen met daaraan de 'red ribbons' wil de stichting oproepen om ook tijdens de kredietcrisis de aidsbestrijding te blijven steunen. |
![]() WINDMILLNEDERLAND, ZEEWOLDE, 18 MEI 2007 A farmers wife works the land in the province of Flevoland. Behind her a 70 metres-high aerogenerator that has been bought by her family for about one million euros. The dutch government stimulates green investments like these by giving tax benefits. | ![]() SHEEPNEDERLAND, WARDER, 20 APRIL 2010 Een schaap op een dijk in de Zaanstreek | ![]() PHONENEDERLAND, AMSTERDAM, 30 JANUARI 2009 Ouderwetse draaischijftelefoon. |
![]() ETERSHEIMERNEDERLAND, WARDER, 20 APRIL 2010 De Etersheimer Braakmolen nabij Warder | ![]() OUDEKOPER MILLNEDERLAND, NIEUWERSLUIS, 1 MEI 2007 De Oukoper Molen (1839) langs de A2, voor koninginnedag opgetuigd met de nederlandse driekleuren. | ![]() CELEBRATION 2010NEDERLAND, AMSTERDAM, 13 JULI 2010 Dutch fans chear for the dutch football team during their celebration tour through the Amsterdam canals. The dutch became second at the 2010 World Championships football in South Africa. |
![]() CELEBRATION 2010NEDERLAND, AMSTERDAM, 13 JULI 2010 Dutch fans chear for the dutch football team during their celebration tour through the Amsterdam canals. The dutch became second at the 2010 World Championships football in South Africa. | ![]() ANNE FRANKNEDERLAND, AMSTERDAM, 19 FEBRUARI Een graffiti verbeeldt Anne Frank naast een M-16, waaronder geschreven staat: "ceci n'est pas une pipe". | ![]() BOATINDONESIE, BELITUNG, 11 NOVEMBER 2009 Een vissersbootje voor de kust van het eiland Belitung, Sumatra. |
![]() OCCUPY AMSTERDAMNEDERLAND, AMSTERDAM, 15 OKTOBER 2011 Op het 'Occupy Amsterdam'-protest op het Beursplein in Amsterdam kwamen zaterdag ± 1500 mensen af. Enkele tientallen demonstranten kampeerden 's nachts op het plein. Ook zondag gaat het protest tegen de economische ontwikkelingen en de negatieve rol van kapitalistische instituten op het Beursplein door. Foto: Jeroen Oerlemans | ![]() PARIS PLAGEFRANKRIJK, PARIJS, 10 AUGUSTUS 2005 Een meisje danst door de natte nevel die op het stadsstrand van Parijs, 'Paris Plage', aan de oevers van de Seine op de planten gesproeid wordt. | ![]() BEATRIX ON ALBERT CUYPNEDERLAND, AMSTERDAM, 9 JUNI 2005 Koningin Beatrix wacht op een kroket tijdens een verrassingbezoek gebracht aan de Albert Cuyp, donderdagochtend. De koningin deed dit ter gelegenheid van het 100-jarig bestaan van de Cuyp. De koningin werd hartelijk onthaald door de marktkooplui die was verteld dat alleen Cohen zou langskomen en dat ze daarom de boel op tijd moesten uitstallen. Beatrix dronk een kop koffie bij Het Koffiehuis en kocht bij een kraampje met zelfgemaakte kinderkleren een blauw wi |

2011 Winner, foreign news category, Zilveren Camera (Silver Camera)
2010, The Netherlands, for a documentation of every day life in Libya
2010: Zilveren Camera (Silver Camera),
The Netherlands, for a series on illegal immigrants in Greece
2008: Zilveren Camera (Silver Camera),
The Netherlands, for his coverage on soldiers in Afghanistan
2007: Honorable mention, International News category,
The Best of Photojournalism
2007, National Press Photographers Association, St. Petersburg, Florida USA
2007: Honourable Mention prize singles, Spot News category,
World Press Photo, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
His prize winning work

Daily life of Dutch soldiers

Daily life of Dutch soldiers

Honourable Mention prize singles, Spot News category, World Press Photo, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Daily life of Dutch soldiers
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